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Academic Success

AC Career Platform: Job Search

Job Search

When you start looking for work, it is important to use a variety of job search methods. By tailoring your approach, you increase your chances of finding meaningful employment.


  • Set a job goal.Before you start your job search, choose a realistic employment goal that matches your education and experience level.
  • Who do you want to work for?Identifying which employers you want to work for allows you to target your job search to those employers. Visit the employer’s website and follow their company page on LinkedIn.
  • Use multiple job search methods:Do not limit yourself to online applications. Tap into your network to access the hidden job market. Connect with your network to see if they know of any upcoming job opportunities.


Test Your Knowledge

Before you begin, test how much you know about how to search effectively for a job. Once you’ve completed the module, come back and take this quiz again to see how much you have learned.