On this page, you will find information about the process of withdrawing from your program or course. You will also be able to begin the process of withdrawing by booking a withdrawal appointment.
For all students registered in programs at the Ottawa, Perth, or Pembroke campuses, select from the options below.
Important Date on Academic Calendar | Tuition Refunded? | How grades appear on your Transcript* |
Withdrawing before the second scheduled class in the timetable | Yes, less a $25 administrative fee per course | Will not appear on your transcript |
Withdrawing after the second scheduled class in the timetable | No | Yes, grades appear on your transcript as a “W” (Withdrawn from course. This does not affect GPA) |
Withdrawing after the final drop date on your timetable. | No | Yes, grades appear on your transcript as an “F” (No credit is earned and the numeric grade of 0 is factored into GPA). |
*Policy AA14 outlines the grading system.
If you want to change your program after the first 10 business days you will need to follow the procedure that applies to your situation, as outlined below. Please note that you cannot change your program in the current semester, you will need to apply for a future semester.
Before beginning the process, we strongly recommend that you speak with one of the following people to discuss your options for help making an informed decision:
If you decide not to meet with the people listed above about changing your program, see the information below for instructions:
Note: Program Transfers (changing programs) within the same term are not available after day 10 of the term.
If you have not yet started your program's first term and want to either withdraw from your program or transfer to a different program (e.g. you want to withdraw or transfer in August, but the term starts in September), we can assist you: