Academic integrity means upholding the values of your school with respect to the production of your academic work and the completion of quizzes, tests, and exams. Algonquin College’s policy Academic Integrity (AA48: Academic Integrity) explains what academic integrity means at Algonquin. Make sure you understand your responsibilities as a student and scholar.
Discover more about what is expected of you as a student at Algonquin College to avoid academic misconduct. Self-enroll in the AC Café Brightspace course now!
Plagiarism includes more than just "coping and pasting". Any time you use content that is not your own, you need to give credit to the original creator using citations. This doesn't just include text; you need to cite images, figures, ideas, and more.
Algonquin College's policy on plagiarism, AA48: Academic Integrity, states:
Plagiarism, whether done deliberately or accidentally, is defined as presenting someone else’s work, in whole or in part, as one’s own. This applies to ideas, wording, code, graphics, music, and inventions from all sources, including the Internet, television, video, film, and recordings; all print and written sources, such as books, periodicals, lyrics, government publications, promotional materials, and academic assignments; and all verbal sources such as conversations and interviews. Sharing one’s work with other learners where this has not been authorized is also considered an act of plagiarism. The reuse of one's own words, ideas, artistic expression or work from preexisting material especially without acknowledgment of their earlier use, is self-plagiarism
Academic sanctions for plagiarism can vary from having to complete a course on academic integrity to being suspended.
The consequences for students who plagiarize depends on the case. Per the College Academic Integrity policy (AA48: Academic Integrity), some possible consequences at Algonquin College are as follows:
See the policy for more details about the potential consequences and when they may be applied.
Here are a few important things you can do to avoid plagiarizing in your own work:
Find more information to help you avoid plagiarizing in the resources below:
Tip: If you have trouble identifying the different types of Academic Misconduct, check out the page What is Academic Misconduct? from the Academic Integrity Office.
Complete the activities below to learn about avoiding plagiarism, whether it is in your academic papers or in your resumes and cover letters.